About me.
I have a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology from Michigan State University, and a B.S. in Biology from the Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Right now you can find me at the Savanna Institute, breeding perennial crops towards more sustainable agriculture practices in the Midwestern U.S.
I am not professionally active on social media much anymore, so the best way to contact me is through this web site.
- Goeckeritz CZ, Rhoades KE, Childs KL, Iezzoni AF, VanBuren R, Hollender CA. 2023. Genome of tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) ‘Montmorency’ identifies three distinct ancestral Prunus genomes. Hortic Res. 10(7):uhad097. doi:10.1093/hr/uhad097.
- Bird, K. A., Jacobs, M., Sebolt, A., Rhoades, K., Alger, E. I., Colle, M., Alekman, M. L., Bies, P. K., Cario, A. J., Chigurupati, R. S., Collazo, D. R., Finley, S., Garland, B., Hein, K. M., Hicks, J., Hillenberg, A. R., Kado, L. I., Kilian, V. R., Longueuil, P. F., … Edger, P. P. (2022). Parental origins of the cultivated tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). Plants, People, Planet, 1– 7.
Talks & Posters
- Rhoades, K. E. B., Iezzoni, A. F. Homoeologous exchange and subgenome content in a diverse panel of allopolyploid sour cherry, Prunus cerasus L. January 2023. Poster presented at the Plant and Animal Genome meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Rhoades, K. E. B., Goeckeritz, C., Hollender, C., Iezzoni, A. F. (August 2022) Subgenome expression of a fruit softening-associated expansin varies among cultivars of the tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). Poster presented at the National Association of Plant Breeders annual meeting, Ames, IA.
- Rhoades, K. E. B., Assigning subgenomes in allotetraploid sour cherry, Prunus cerasus L. October 18, 2021. Polyploidy webinar talk.
- Rhoades, K. E. B., Goeckeritz, C., Edger, P., Hollender, C., Iezzoni, A. F. (August 2021) Subgenome assignment in the allotetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) provides evidence of biased fractionation favoring the sweet cherry (P. avium L.) subgenome. Poster presented at the National Association of Plant Breeders annual conference, virtual meeting.
- Gasic, K., Cai, L., Rhoades, K. E. B., Da Silva Linge, C., Li, Z., Saski, C., McCord, P. Iezzoni, A. F. (Aug. 2020) Haplotype Diversity of a QTL Hotspot on Chromosome 4 in Peach and Sweet Cherry. Talk presented at the meeting of the American Society of Horticulture Science, virtual meeting.
- Rhoades, K. E. B., McFerson, J. R., Peace, C., Sebolt, A., Coe, M., Iezzoni, A. F. (Aug. 2018) What Resonates with our Stakeholders? The Impact of RosBREED as Communicated by Trade Magazine Writers. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Society of Horticulture Science, Washington, D.C.